June officially starts the summer season on Maui. School’s out and there are more families on the island. That means it’s a good time to send out reminders to residents on community rules and procedures. We know it can be hard to think of everything, so use the list below to start sharing reminders on your digital bulletin and monthly newsletters to help avoid violations and keep residents happy and safe.

Traffic and Walking Paths

With school out and more kids around, an extra reminder to residents on the speed limit throughout the neighborhood and why it’s important to always abide by it, may prevent an accident. There will be more bikes and people walking in the community and neighboring streets, so it’s important that both drivers and pedestrians are aware of the rules and their surroundings.

Visitors and Vendors

mom and daughter MauiFrom graduation parties and summer vacations to lawn crews and contractors, there’s about to be a huge uptick in visitors to your community. Remind residents on the proper procedure for securing visitor passes if you live in a guarded or gated community, or parking passes and visitor parking areas for open communities. Encourage residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious characters to the community staff.

Building Projects

Spring building projects should be wrapping up around communities. Let community members know of the successful completion of Spring projects the association took on, and anything upcoming for Fall. Also, remind residents of any work restrictions on units during busy summer months.

Landscaping and Outdoor Decorations

Nurseries and home improvement stores are in full bloom, and residents may be tempted to have plants and flowers spill over into common areas. Make sure to send out reminders about any regulations on plantings, outdoor décor, flag poles and other items. It would be a good opportunity to remind residents to regularly empty A/C drain pans, if applicable. Water spilling over onto the lanai below during hot summer weather is  very annoying to neighbors!

Pet Care

Sunny summer days mean people can’t wait to get outside with their canine pals. If your community allows pet, or has service animals in residence, it’s important to remind people about rules and regulations. Let people know about local leash laws and why they’re important to follow. Remind residents to keep the community clean by picking up after their pets and the related fines for not doing so. Also let people know if there are certain areas within the community that are off-limit or unsafe for dogs. It never hurts to remind people about pet care in the summertime in regards to not leaving pets outside on hot days and being courteous to neighbors when it comes to barking dogs.

Amenity Reservations

If you have a club house, pool, freight elevator, park, or BBQ area, people are going to want to reserve these amenities during the summer months. Send out reminders on how to take the right steps to properly reserve these amenities. By proactively directing residents online to make these reservations, you can cut down on phone calls to your office.