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April is Tsunami Awareness Month

Tsunamis are a series of hazardous, large, long ocean waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea. You cannot swim or surf tsunamis because they flood the land like a rushing river (or fast-rising tide) rather than curling and breaking like a regular surfing wave. A tsunami picks up and carries debris, significantly increasing the chance of injury, property destruction, and death. Emergency officials will be holding events around the state this month to raise awareness of the [...]

HOA Board Cautions: Better Safe than Sued

Voluntary board members aim to enhance their HOA community's living standards, which is admirable. But the association may also at times take on tough issues involving  sensitive information or controversial subject matter. On occasion, this could put associations, and even directors, in the line of fire for litigation. Directors should possess knowledge regarding actions that may involve legal consequences affecting the organization. Here is a list of top dos and don'ts intended to help board m [...]

Should an HOA Board Ever Bend the Rules?

An association has rules to preserve the overall appearance of the community, to protect the value of common property and owners’ homes, and to make the neighborhood a great place to live. However, there are rare cases when the association may receive a request to waive some regulations and rules. The board doesn’t make such decisions without careful thought first. Upholding the rules and being flexible when issues arise is like walking a tightrope and can become a slippery slope. Board members [...]

Steps to Resolving Disputes in an HOA

While living in a homeowners association ideally would be problem free, conflict unfortunately occurs from time to time. There are several steps that owners and boards may take in resolving conflicts. Talk to the Board/Owner A conversation between the parties in a conflict may help resolve problems. Rather than letting potential misunderstandings, or differing expectations of rights and responsibilities fester, continuing to openly discuss the issues may resolve the problems. Many conflicts in c [...]

How To Run an HOA Community with Great Success

Unquestionably, running an HOA community is difficult and challenging. But by building a solid foundation you can achieve great success. Here are some helpful ideas on how to run an HOA well. A Successful HOA So, how do you build a well-rounded, successful HOA? There are many possible answers. Much will depend on the type of community association you have, your assets including the facility, and your homeowners, to name a few things. There are, however, several common traits or characteristics t [...]

Top Trends for HOAs in 2023

Whew! The last few years have been bumpy for homeowners, including those in HOAs. We’ve all felt the impact of record inflation. Sky-high real estate prices benefited some and stung others, while lack of inventory kept many homeowners in place. HOAs have faced rising insurance and well as other costs, while sea level rise and climate change trends are not far from our thoughts. There are a few things that will impact HOAs significantly in 2023, but not all of them are bad. Here is a rundown of t [...]

Start Your HOA Budget Year Off Right

January marks the beginning of a brand-new fiscal year for many HOA boards. Now is the chance to take stock of how your board is operating and implement your budget – two things that are easier said than done. But these tips should help you get off on the right foot. Set expectations The budgeting process, which you should already have completed, is a chance for the board to set expectations for the community. Have a conversation with your management team about how the board wants the year to go [...]

The Reality of Serving on an HOA Board

Serving on an HOA board is an eye-opening experience. Whether you’ve never been a member of an HOA board or previously served on one for a few years, you will gain a new perspective when joining an HOA board. You may be surprised at the work it takes to maintain an association. Previously, you may have been content to pay your dues and let others take care of everything else, or may have had a negative view of board decisions and HOAs in general. However, living in an association and becoming in [...]

Upcoming Legislation Supporting Owners and HOAs in 2023

The Community Association Institute's  Federal Legislative Action Committee is carrying momentum from 2022 into the 118th Congress, which convenes in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 3. This past year saw important legislation introduced in Congress to help condominium homeowners finance major building repairs, a CAI-led coalition working to support mortgage credit for condominium and cooperative homeowners, and renewed interest in disaster assistance for community associations. Safe Buildings & Sa [...]

Six Great Holiday Party Ideas for Condo Owners

The difference between a so-so party and an outstanding one could hinge on planning a theme and a few simple activities in advance. These activities are easy to plan and execute at your condo. 1. Gingerbread House Decoration Contest: The tradition of decorating a gingerbread house for Christmas may seem like a kiddy treat, but it adults get incredibly creative (and competitive) with this fun activity! Many grocery stores have small gingerbread kits right now, which eliminates baking or hunting f [...]

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