HOA Rules and Regs

2021 HOA Legislation and Policy Review

We often turn to our membership in the Community Association Institute (CAI) in order to stay abreast of legislation and policy trends related to HOAs, both nationally as well as relevant news from the Hawaii Chapter. 2021 was a big year! We are providing this year in review so that our community associations can check in on national activities and trends that can affect HOAs everywhere. Here is CAI's top ten posts from 2021. Happy New Year! CAI Releases Public Policy Recommendations to Improve [...]

Waiver of Subrogation Explained

Often, you will hear the term subrogation when dealing with association vendors and their workers’ compensation policies. If a painting contractor trips while working on your property, who will pay for his injury? Would your general liability policy cover him since he was hurt on your property, the painting company’s workers’ compensation policy because the painter was injured while working, or both policies? When there is an accident on property, a third party, such as an insurance company, cou [...]

Does Your HOA Have Holiday Decor Rules?

The holidays are officially upon us. Does your association have rules on visible décor and lighting? Rulemaking can be a quandary. If you allow displays for some, you have to allow for all. Or the other option, none. Either way can be challenging. Fortunately the Community Associations Institute has developed sample holiday and religious display guidelines that are easy for residents to follow and simple to enforce. Here are a few of CAI’s tips. Board Members Ask residents whether they believe y [...]

Different Types of Community Associations in Hawaii

Think of your community association as a small town that offers services to owners and residents. Owners become members when they purchase their unit and have obligations to the association. Leaders are elected to govern on issues in the best interests of the members, collect assessments, and maintain shared spaces. Association officials are tasked with managing the property and must be fiscally responsible with fees collected from members. All associations have similar documents and requirement [...]

How Condominium Associations Can Finance Capital Projects

Aging condominium buildings are common across Hawaii, which is a growing concern in the aftermath of the tragic collapse of the Champlain Towers South in Florida. This preventable tragedy is being traced back to repair and maintenance issues. Like Florida, Hawaii structures are equally susceptible to high humidity and damaging salt air.  Since Hawaii is a very expensive place to live, there is often a mindset keeping HOA fees to a minimum. Budgeting for major capital improvements of significant [...]

New to an HOA? What You Need to Know About Rules and Regulations

If you are moving into a home or condo with a Home Owners Association (HOA), you are not alone. In the U.S. 58% of homeowners live in HOA communities, according to the Community Associations Institute. Many people don’t give their HOA much thought until there is a problem. Since HOAs make and enforce the community rules, it’s smart to understand what you can do if you can’t or don’t want to follow them. HOA Facts An HOA consists of a volunteer group of neighbors who manage common areas and commu [...]

HOA Considerations for Video Security Cameras on Property

High resolution security cameras have become affordable for HOA residents and property managers. Whether it is a doorbell cam to deter porch pirates or an outdoor camera to monitor the perimeter, these devices have become more accessible and easy to manage for the typical homeowner or association. According to Tinnelly Law, a practice focused on HOAs, surveillance cameras are effective at reducing the number of low-level crimes such as automobile break-ins and burglaries in areas where cameras h [...]

Condominium Renovation FAQs

Many homeowners took advantage of slow times during the pandemic to repair or remodel their dwellings, including condominiums. Now that lumber prices have calmed down and we are approaching a less busy fall season, improvement plans may pick up again. However, condominiums, with shared walls and features, are different than a stand alone home. The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs has put together this helpful summary for those planning work, or for the associations who are fielding re [...]

How D&O Coverage Protects an Association

Volunteers are the lifeblood of every home owners association and other organizations; without these leaders the vital work of the group couldn’t move forward. But as with anything, a misdirection or certain actions could lead to claims of wrongdoing. To protect association directors and officers against such claims and allow them to make the best decisions for the association they represent, a specific type of liability insurance is recommended- Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance. D&amp [...]

New Hawaii Condo Living Guide Video Series Now Online

The Hawaii Real Estate Commission released its new “Hawaii Condo Living Guide” video series to help deliver valuable information to current and prospective condominium owners and boards. The first six educational videos are available online and broken up into a series of short segments for ease of viewing. The commission intends to continue releasing more engaging episodes periodically. “This locally produced video series is a creative way to reach out to residents with important information,” s [...]

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